Higher Secondary (Arts)

The College offers the following subjects, under this course.

Compulsory Papers :

  1. English
  2. Env. Education.
  3. Any four subjects from the following elective papers:
    1. Economics
    2. Political Science
    3. History
    4. Philosophy
    5. Second Language ( Garo, Assamese )
    6. Education
    7. Alt. Eng/MIL ( Garo, Assamese, Hindi and Bengali )
  4. A student can opt for any of the above subjects as Additional Subjects.

N.B.: (a) The regular classes in Alternative English , Hindi and Bengali ( MIL papers )and Hindi, Assamese and Bengali ( Elective Language Paper ) are subject to the availability of lecturers. (b) Computer Education is COMPULSORY to the students of Higher Secondary Class XI.

Study Scheme

The Higher Secondary course shall be in two parts. There will be a Board Examination at the end of Class XI to be known as Internal Examination and Board’s Final Examination at the end of class XII. A student shall be required to pass in the Internal Examination and be declared promoted in order to be eligible to take admission to class XII.The Board’s Final Examination based on the course of Class XII alone, will be purely external, to be managed and conducted by Meghalaya Board of School Education , Tura. The students will be assessed as follows :
a ) Internal Examination at the end of Class XI of 600 marks (including additional paper) & grades for Env. Education.
b) Selection Test will be held for Class XII and students are required to clear it to be eligible to appear in Class XII Final Examination.
c) Final Examination at the end of Class XII shall be of 600 marks ( including additional paper) covering the course of Class XII. Students shall be awarded suitable grades depending upon their performances in Env. Education.


Application forms for admission can be obtained from the office on any working days during office hours within the period specified for the purpose. The duly filled in application forms, accompanied with the following documents / testimonials must be submitted to the office within the period as may be notified for the purpose:

  1. Attested copies of Marks Sheet and Admit Card of SSLC or equivalent examination passed.
  2. Pass Certificate from the Head of the Institution attended last along with other testimonials,
    if any.
  3. Two copies of recent passport size photographs of the applicant duly attested. The forms received will be scrutinized and the list of candidates selected for admission shall be notified for admission. The selected candidates will have to produce all the Certificates and Mark Sheet in original at the time of admission for verification. Admission will be granted on the basis of merit and availability of seats.

In addition to that a student shall have to pay extra fees for examinations as fixed and declared by the  administration from time to time. Apart from these, a student is also required to pay the remaining monthly tuition fees and other fees as the case may be, and clear all his / her dues before examination.